Ram Charan plays Jayam Ravis part, its for this role, he went through a major makeover. He took to Veganism, went through strenuous workouts to get this chiseled super toned body. Fans cant get enough of his new found hot body. In every frame, his body easily steals the thunder. All his hard work has paid off. While we eagerly await the film, a one minute scene from Ram Charas Dhruva has been released! Its a scene where Ram Charan explains how he has cracked the code. He talks about how businessmen play on the minds of a commoner by placing ads strategically. His dialogue translates as this Suddenly while I was reading the newspaper one day, I understood that there is a link between Page 2 and Page 6. If you see on Page 2 that a man gave a huge fund to a political party, you see that a relative of his got released from prison. On Page 2 If you see that Gold rates have dropped, on page 6 you see that Akshaya Tritiya has been extended by two days.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.bollywoodlife.com/news-gossip/the-first-footage-of-ram-charans-dhruva-will-make-you-eager-for-its-release-watch-video/
...as found by BBC Monitoring 15 December 2016 Image copyright Alamy/Design Pics Inc Image caption If you spot a moose cleaning your car, don't be tempted to stop it Officials in western Canada are warning motorists not to interact with moose if they find the animals licking salt off their cars. An alert issued by the province of Alberta's government says that moose are approaching vehicles in car parks near two trails in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, and warns people not to try to push the animals away while on foot. It advises that the recommended "moose viewing distance" is ไทยรัฐ 30m (100ft), and any car-licking creatures should be deterred by either sounding a horn or using a remote door alarm instead. As CBC news points out , adult moose can weigh more than 1,000lb (453kg), so shoving one is unlikely to be effective. The animals can become aggressive and charge people or vehicles if they feel threatened. Dr Doug Whiteside from Calgary Zoo tells Global News that moose and other wildlife ordinarily get all the salt they need in their diets. "If there is no natural source of salt available they will find an alternate source, like the salt from the roads on vehicles," he says. The Alberta warning is in place until further notice, and officials are asking people to report any "aggressive moose encounters" immediately. Image copyright Alberta Government/Alberta Parks Image caption Officials say people can run into moose all over the area at any time
You must be joking ... - If you can't stop smoking, cancer will. - There are cooler ways to die than smoking. - Everyone has a right to clean air. - Breathe healthily, live happily. What you read is not important as long as you like doing it. In films, the concept is conceived by the writer-director duo and presented before you in a specific form. Novel - Stream of Consciousness Also known as 'interior monologues', stream of consciousness is all about the thoughts coming up in the minds of the character. Don't look puzzled the next time you see streams of 1s and 0s. Write 2 - 3 sentences about giving some examples to validate your interest/reason for writing the letter.
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