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Read also: The smart money is record short in stocks, and the dumb money is record long Payless has joined a growing list of retailers to seek bankruptcy protection in recent months. Eastern Outfitters, whose chains include Eastern Mountain Sports and Bobs Stores, filed for chapter 11 protection last month, and The Limited filed in January, causing the company to close all its stores. Other companies that have filed for chapter 11 or completely liquidated in the past year include Wet Seal, American Apparel, Aeropostale Inc. AROPQ, +0.00% , +0.00% and Sports Authority. Macys Inc. M, +1.92% Gap Inc. GPS, +2.37% Sears Holding Corp. and Guess Inc. GES, +1.49% are among the retailers that have announced store closures in recent months. Macys and Sears are often anchor stores that are meant to draw traffic to malls and other shopping centers, and specialty stores like Gap depend on the boost. As a household name brand, the Payless bankruptcy has disappointed some investors, who believed the discounter was somewhat cushioned from the stresses hitting the broader sector, said Diana Smith, associate director of retail and apparel at market research company Mintel.
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