Kennedy and his prankster friends went head-to-head with Choate's headmaster, George St. John, in his years at the school. The "Muckers" club took its name from a speech in which St. John excoriated pranksters, using the label applied to Irish immigrants whose only work was shoveling up horse manure. The group took the idea and ran with it, commissioning gold shovel pins and hatching a plot to pile horse manure in the school gymnasium. "George St. John got wind of it and even though the prank never was actualized, it was enough that they would even consider such a thing, so he threatened to expel them all," but eventually relented, said Judy Donald, the school's archivist. The details of the group's successful pranks may be lost to time. But Donald said an oft-told tale that a young Kennedy blew up a school toilet with a powerful firecracker known as a cherry bomb is not true - while that incident did occur, it was the work of another student a decade later. "St.
City issues permit for Mount Adams hillside stabilization Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. CINCINNATI -- Work to stabilize a slipping Mount Adams hillside is underway. The city issued a permit for stabilization work to Metropolitan Design and Development Monday, according to a memo from City Manager Harry Black. The company told city officials they would begin the work Monday afternoon. Metropolitan had previously received an excavation/fill permit for work on the hillside between Oregon and Baum streets on Friday, about two weeks after a landslide damaged two Baum Street homes. Some work was already underway after that permit was issued. The Department of Buildings and Inspections will have an inspector on site daily to monitor progress, Black wrote. Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/mount-adams/city-issues-permit-for-mount-adams-hillside-stabilization
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