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In public remarks to his cabinet at its weekly meeting, Netanyahu said UNRWA perpetuated, rather than solved, the Palestinian refugee problem and that anti-Israeli incitement was rife in its institutions, which includes schools. "It is time UNRWA be dismantled and merged with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees," Netanyahu said. Referring to a meeting he held in Jerusalem on Wednesday with Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Netanyahu said: "I told her it was time the United Nations re-examine UNRWA's existence." UNRWA was established by the U.N. General Assembly in 1949 after hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes in the 1948 war that followed Israel's creation. It says it currently aids five million registered Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. Chris Gunness, UNRWA's chief spokesman, said in an email to Reuters that only the General Assembly, by a majority vote, could change the agency's mandate. "In December 2016, UNRWA's mandate was extended for three years by the General Assembly by a large majority," he added. Netanyahu made his comments two days after UNRWA said it had discovered part of a tunnel running under two of its schools in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. UNRWA said it had protested to Hamas, the Islamist group that rules the enclave and which had used a network of cross-border tunnels to launch attacks inside Israel in a 2014 war.
22 years ago Cher Horowitz revolutionised millions of girls' expectations of shopping with her virtual wardrobe. Fast forward to 2017 and the whole concept of 'virtual fashion' is basically a reality. Australian e-boutique Princess Polly is the latest in a slew of digital stockists to experiment with virtual changerooms , today launching a system in which you can 'virtually shop' their pieces. Here's how it works: You create an 'avatar' that is generated based on your height, weight, bra size, waist and hip measurements (you can also change the avatar's face to a model that best suits you), then you pick pieces from the online store and the avatar immediately "wears" them. Princess Polly aren't the first boutique to experiment with virtual changerooms (in fact, the technology first launched two years ago and was directly inspired by Cher), but they are the first major Australian retailer to adopt it. On the other side of the spectrum is luxury e-tailer Farfetch , who in April unveiled plans for new retail technology called 'Store Of The Future'. The concept? A technology system that connects online and offline shopping, by implementing in-store technologies that track your browsing habits and link them to your online shopping escapades. The first iteration of the technology is set to launch in the flagship Thom Browne store in New York later this year. What does it all mean?
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