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BSR's challenge to businesses: Hire 100,000 new impact workers by 2020 BSR's challenge to businesses: Hire 100,000 new impact workers by 2020 Impact sourcing, also known as socially responsible outsourcing, is part of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry and drives an inclusive economy by employing high potential but disadvantaged people in the services sector. The Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC) — a collaboration between leading companies to build more inclusive supply chains — is challenging the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry to hire 100,000 new impact workers by 2020. This challenge is made in tandem with BSR's launch of the world’s first Impact Sourcing Standard , designed to increase client companies’ adoption of Impact Sourcing as a high-impact procurement practice by setting out uniform criteria for suppliers. Together, the standard and the challenge have the potential to drive job creation for economically and socially vulnerable people across global supply chains. Through GISC, client companies can partner with a network of suppliers around the world that are committed to upholding the Impact Sourcing Standard, which defines required policies, practices and management systems expected of suppliers that set about hiring, training and creating career opportunities for employees who were previously long-term unemployed or living below the poverty line. We call these employees impact workers because their employment can help them realize their potential to achieve economic self-sufficiency and support their families and communities. Kemar, an employee at Sutherland, Jamaica, described his experience: "In high school, I was concerned that, based on where I lived, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to be employed. A community leader came to me and said there are people who want to get in contact with youth like myself who grew up in volatile communities [to train us and help us find jobs]. I thought, let’s see what happens, and I am very thankful for the opportunity that was given to me." The benefits of Impact Sourcing include the following: This practice is not just good for impact workers. It also benefits suppliers and their buyers directly. For buyers, the benefits include a more stable supplier workforce, as well as increased social impact and a demonstration of corporate citizenship.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.greenbiz.com/article/bsrs-challenge-businesses-hire-100000-new-impact-workers-2020
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— Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) July 21, 2018 Jaitley’s comments have come after Modi Government won the trust vote on Friday. Although, the results were known, still there was curiosity about what Rahul will say. However, not his speech but his action post speech became the headlines. His hugging the Prime Minister followed by wink invited a lot of criticism. Ruling NDA said that since his speech lacked substance, he had to adopt theatrics. Now Jaitley, who is under quarantine after renal surgery in May, has opened attack against Rahul. “If this was his best argument for 2019, God must help his party. His lack of understanding is not only confined to basic issues but also to the niceties of protocol,” the Minister said making reference to Rahul’s comment on Rafale aircraft deal. Rahul had claimed that the French President, Emmanuel Macron, had said there was no secrecy clause in Rafale deal. However, this was denied by the French Government last evening itself. Rahul Gandhi, by concocting a conversation with President Macron, has lowered his own credibility&seriously hurt the image of an Indian politician before the world at large.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/rahul-missed-a-great-opportunity-arun-jaitley/article24481815.ece
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