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16, 2016 URSs 13th Annual Rubber Duck Regatta today DAYTON United Rehabilitation Services 13th Annual Rubber Duck Regatta is scheduled for today at RiverScape MetroPark. During the regatta, 20,000 rubber ducks will be dropped by crane from Riverside Drive Bridge into the Great Miami River at 6:30 p.m. The top 5 ducks will win: Grand Prize of 7-Bedroom Norris Lake Houseboat Rentals Vacation; plus $1,000 gift cards to Kroger and Watsons; 2 Southwest Airline Tickets; and Bagger Daves Burgers for a Year. Other regatta activities include: 5:30 p.m.: American Idol Alexis Gomez Rocks the Regatta 6:15 p.m.: Kids Parade with Quackers, Entertainment Pavilion All proceeds support programs at URS, including Early Childhood Education and school-age programs for children with disabilities, 6 weeks to 17 years, with on-site nursing services, specialized therapy programs, and vocational training and daycare programs for adults and seniors with disabilities. For updates and more news, click here to download our free apps. 2016 Cox Media Group . By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy , and understand your options regarding Ad Choices . Need a Profile? Register Now.
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REUTERS/Marco Bello 8/8 By Girish Gupta and Deisy Buitrago | MARGARITA ISLAND, Venezuela MARGARITA ISLAND, Venezuela Only a handful of leaders have traveled to a meeting of a large Cold War-era bloc in Venezuela this week, in an embarrassment for the crisis-hit socialist government. Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has touted the 17th meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement as one that would "be remembered for centuries," as the unpopular leftist seeks to bolster his international legitimacy. Yet the turnout from the 120-nation Cold War-era bloc has paled compared to past meetings, including the previous summit in Iran in 2012, attended by some 35 heads of state. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Iran's Hassan Rouhani and Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas, as well as regional allies from Cuba, Ecuador and Bolivia are among the few heads of states who have landed on the Caribbean island of Margarita. The half-century old movement formed by nations wanting to avoid aligning with the United States or Soviet Union has dwindled in relevance over the years. But it appears that heads of states' attendance at the summit in recession-stricken Venezuela is particularly low, possibly even in single digits, although the government did not respond to a request for a list of attendees. Venezuela's opposition, vying to remove Maduro in a recall referendum, has jumped on low attendance as a sign of his isolation. "Millions of dollars of Venezuelans' money spent for the government's ego," said opposition leader Henrique Capriles. "Many of the countries didn't come to the show!" In one glaring absence, co-founder and key member India did not send Prime Minister Narendra Modi, only the second time the country's head of state has missed a summit since its 1961 founding. Venezuela is undergoing a major economic crisis that has sparked worsening food shortages and triple-digit inflation.
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