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Close share panel The armed forces are ill-prepared to defend the UK against a serious military attack, a senior commander has warned the defence secretary. In a memo before he retired in April as head of Joint Forces Command, Gen Sir Richard Barrons said key capabilities had been stripped out to save money. He said Whitehall was "preserving the shop window" with items like aircraft carriers, the Financial Times reports. Defence officials said Sir Richard had backed the last defence review. The FT said it had obtained the 10-page private memo, which had been sent to Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon. It followed the government's decision to raise defence spending by nearly 5bn by 2020-21 and its pledge to meet Nato's target to spend 2% of GDP on defence for the rest of the decade. Sir Richard said: "Capability that is foundational to all major armed forces has been withered by design." He said critical technical and logistical capabilities had been "iteratively stripped out". "Counter-terrorism is the limit of up-to-date plans and preparations to secure our airspace, waters and territory," he said. "Neither the UK homeland nor a deployed force could be protected from a concerted Russian air effort." 'Dangerously squeezed' The Army "has grown used to operating from safe bases in the middle of its operating area, against opponents who do not manoeuvre at scale", he said.
That's been a successful strategy for investors, as its stock has generated returns of 1,119%, turning $5,000 into almost $56,000 in just 10 years. CEO Phillip Frost has a proven ability to generate returns through M&A activity, but it could be Opko's pharmaceuticals are what drives it forward. Rayaldee, for example, could be a lucrative new source of revenue if doctors prescribe it to the 9 million patients diagnosed with stage 3 or stage 4 chronic kidney disease who suffer from vitamin D insufficiency. Similarly, its Varubi won FDA approval late last year and phase 3 data for hGH-CTP is on deck later this year. Opko also markets the prostate cancer screening test 4Kscore. There are obvious risks to each of these opportunities -- other treatments are available, doctors may not prescribe, additional approvals may not be granted -- but Frost's record of success indicates he won't be sitting still waiting for chances to come to him. Instead, he'll be out there pursuing the next big score. Rich Duprey has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Priceline Group. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days.
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Standing before hundreds of fighters in southern Colombia, rebel commander Rodrigo Londono, who uses the nom de guerre Timochenko, said the FARC wants to spread its message as an unarmed political party and transform the Andean nation after five decades of war. "Our greatest aspiration is to reach many more with our message until the torrent for transformation is overwhelming," Timochenko told a crowd of fighters gathered on the rural Yari Plains, about five hours from the nearest town. "In this war, there are neither victors nor vanquished," he said, wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of FARC founder Manuel Marulanda. "The greatest satisfaction will always be to have won peace." The congress, which in the past was secret and used to decide battle strategy, may offer insight into the FARC's political agenda. The schedule for the event mirrors the peace talks agenda, including land reform and environmental issues. After almost four years of talks, the FARC and government last month reached a final peace accord that will be signed by Timochenko and President Juan Manuel Santos on Sept. 26. Colombians will have the last word during a plebiscite on Oct. 2. "We're going to vote for peace," said Jhon Guerrero, a 24-year-old delegate from a rebel unit in Choco, along the Pacific coast.

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